Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Tesseract

The things I found most interesting throughout reading the Sound and the Fury, were the new ways in which time was viewed. I began to think about how time was viewed in other works as well, for instance Siddhartha, the elves in The Lord of the Rings, Nicolas Flamel in Harry Potter, the three witches in A Wrinkle in Time. All really great reads that have touched tons of people, so maybe there's some point about time and the way it is viewed that I am missing. Is time linear and one dimensional? Are the lifespans of humans as short as a second compared to some? Is there really any such thing as time, or is everything simply one thing? It sounds profound, but it seems to me that if all these renowned people are talking about time in different ways, then maybe there is something else to it.
I also related time to the title too. The SOUND and the FURY. Is the title talking about time? The sound of a clock. The fury that time brings when it runs out or lasts too long.
Seemingly this book has set me back quite further on the road to knowledge than when I began it. However, now that I am writing this and thinking about it, maybe knowledge is how many questions one asks, or can possibly think of. If that's the case, then I think I'm going in the right direction.

1 comment:

unknown said...

maybe knowledge is how many questions one asks, or can possibly think of. --yes, perhaps better, it is what wisdom is. Time is relative.